Friday, December 16, 2011

Artist Statement

I’m still in the stages of exploring different medias and styles in my work. For now it’s all about experimenting and learning about what works for me. Because of this my work doesn’t always seem to fit together as a whole. I seem to take leaps and bounds from one style to another, moving along to satisfy my new tastes.
When I started out it was just simple mimicry on a canvas, but in the past few years my artistic spectrum has broadened to include fibre arts. I’ve fallen for the craft of creating cloth from raw materials. I enjoy the feeling of being close to my work.
Recently I’ve been drawn back to my love of theatre, I’ve always loved the stories that are told there. It has inspired a lot of my works before and I have been thinking of using my newfound skills to try and work in the theatre, creating sets and costumes. The thought of being able to create a part of those beloved stories raises my spirits. 

Letter of Intentions

            As a young artist I’m still just starting to specialize in my style. I have hosen to study fibre arts in the diploma program at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. I have learned much about my trade since I began my studies no too long ago. I’ve learned the ways of creating cloth out of raw materials and how to use it in my artwork.
            Recently I have refound my love of theatre. It was my first doorway into the art world and I could see myself working in the theatre when I’m finished school. I would want to build sets and costumes for productions. I would love the chance to create new works for every play that passes my way, each with its own style and characters.
            When I’ve had my fun with that, whether as my retirement or even just for my own artwork, I would like to settle down on a small farm with my own studio. I want to keep animals whose fleece I could use for my work.    

My Artist CV


April 2011            New Brunswick College of Craft and Design                                      Fredericton, NB

 Foundation Visual Arts certificate


June 2011- August 2011      St Andrews Art Council                                                   St. Andrews, NB

                                         Actor Facilitator
·         Summer employment
·         Aided in teaching children’s Drama classes
·         Assist with all events/recitals e.g. set up, ushering, ticket taking, equipment needs
·         Advertising for all events and workshops
·         Answering office phones, answering questions and registering people for workshops
·         Working at a local art gallery as a storekeeper


April 2010- May 2010         St Joseph scollard hall                                                        North Bay, ON

                Insights and Sounds worker

·                     Cutting mat boards, hanging paintings, labeling works, organizing displays

Set Painter
·                     Designed and painted sets for the Drama department

Biography for Iddo Van Der Geer

When Iddo Van Der Geer walks into a room, the first thing you notice about him are his dreads. Beads and felt peer out at you from the many layers, each as unique as the artist who wears them. They speak volumes but don’t give away much about man, or the mind, behind them.   
            As a boy growing up in Zwijndrecht, Holland, Iddo was always busy with something or another. He was involved in sports and he took music lessons, and if he wasn’t busy with those he enjoyed being outside in nature. Iddo had wanted to be an archeologist since he was, and still is, interested in ancient history.
            When he was 14, Iddo along with his parents and younger sister immigrated to Canada and settled in Prince Edward Island. Although while Iddo was there he wasn’t involved in extracurricular activities at school, he took up kickboxing on his own time, and he worked for the Watershed group for a little while. While in school Iddo enjoyed art classes because it gave him a chance to work with his hands.
            When it came time for college, Iddo chose to follow the arts and applied to the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. He had intended to go into ceramics but when he got there he instead found himself drawn in by the fibre arts studio. He enjoyed being able to create cloth and art using natural materials.
            Now that Iddo is a fibre art student much of his time is spent in the studio. Whether he’s working on schoolwork or on one of his new ideas that he always seems to be brimming with. His work is heavily inspired by nature. The colours he uses are usually very earthy and natural. But colours are not the only part of nature that has the honour of being used in his work. Iddo is also inspired by naturally occurring patterns in nature and with his creative mind he brings these inspirations to life in his work.
            When he began studying fibre, Iddo seemed instantly drawn to felting. The art of it seemed to come naturally. Watching him felt is like watching life being breathed into the wool, as he constructs it and molds it to his vision. Each piece he crafts is a piece of art.